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I lol'ed.

I found this submission to be really one of the better Hitler submissions. I found it to be really quite funny. Although I never caught this pokemon I remember having to give it the secreat potion to heal it back in the Crystal series and that was a swell time. Hitler looked hilarious with the way his neck went and it reminded me of a giraffe actually. Nice job.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:



I find this pokemon to be so funny. I mean you ever notice how both gloom and vileplum look incredibly ugly? And that this pokemon seems to be the only pretty one in the evolution line? I found that the whole Hitler thing kinda' looked weird, I mean he did not really look funny, and the background really did not seem to be that great looking ether. Meh.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Vileplume is faptastic.


The only time I ever remember this pokemon is when I think of the earliest pokemon series. What with the way you could like hack the game into giving weird pokemon. I do believe this was something called "Pikablue" Or something. Nontheless, I thought Hitler looked really uncreative in this one and the background just seemed "Okay" As well. Not something I really liked.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Silly rumours.


Heheh, I find this pokemon to be really quite funny to be honest, it's one of those random pokemon that seems to be just like a bigger version of the previous one. This time I thought the background did not really work for the submission and I thought that Hitler really did not look that great. I did not like this one.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

It's to do with an episode featuring Azumarill in the animé.


Yea, like jigglypuff and its evolution this pokemon is one of those stupid lame pokemon you see that serves no real purpose. It's by far one of the uglier ones and by far one of the most useless ones. The background in this submission worked well with Hitler, and he looks slightly funny with the thing on his head.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Skiploom is kewl.


Man doesn't that just sound like the gayest thing ever? I mean, not only that, but this pokemon is also one of the weaker in the bunch and I really just hate this pokemon. Hitler looks really funny with all the crap on him and that music sure is swell. Nice work.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:



I never had much use for this pokemon, I mean sure the whole solarbeam combonation of this pokemon would have been great, but it just had so many type disadvantages that you really could not use this one affectively. The background is perfect for this pokemon and Hitler still looks funny which is great. Nice work.

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:

Don't knock da grass types.

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